The official release of “The Adventures of the Princess and Mr. Whiffle” inches ever closer, and already people seem to be digging it.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t Google the book title and browse anything newly written about the book.  I also won’t deny skimming through each article looking for mentions of my own name before going back to the top and giving it an honest read.  I’m resisting the urge to set up a news alert on “princess” and “mr. whiffle.”

Am I a closet megalomaniac?  Time will tell.  All that’s certain for now is I’ve developed a thing for drawing stuffed animals.

Princess and Mr. Whiffle - Miss Moo

"Yes, Miss Moo, I'll have another spot of tea."

And now a humorous snippet of convo from earlier this morning:

“My friend’s new car is so awesome!  She could talk on her phone through the radio because the car had sunk-up with it.”


“Yeah, y’know.  It had synced with it.  But synced doesn’t sound right.”

So there you go, Urban Dictionary.  The past tense of “sync” is “sunk.”