Just a little peek to whet your appetite and let you know how I’ve been spending my Monday nights.


The day before Thanksgiving is a point of mystical convergence for theatrical releases. Last year was a dubious mix of minor hits (Deja Vu) and major misses (Deck the Halls, Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny). This year we have August Rush, Hitman, Enchanted, and The Mist, a menagerie of flicks guaranteed to satisfy whatever itches the movie center of your brain. You might say that the wondrous variety of cinematic endeavors available on Thanksgiving weekend was spawned by the tradition of pre-dawn espresso and carnal mayhem that has come to be known as Black Friday. Cute and courteous housewives become hype-fueled bargain-gladiators for a few hours, so naturally why not unwind with a movie once your hard-pillaged swag is safely locked in the trunk?

I personally plan to make a double-feature out of August Rush and Hitman. The only thing I can’t decide is should I do feel-good then violence, or violence then feel-good?