Songs that I am depressed are not on iTunes: “If You Be My Bodyguard” by Paul Simon, “Teenage Wasteland” by the Who, anything by Yvan Cassar, and “The Rock” soundtrack. This list is by no stretch of the national deficit complete, but it’s what’s frustrating me right now. The absence of these tracks makes me question the validity of a place like iTunes vs. Bittorrent or even iMesh. Ah well, viva la revolucion, and all that.

I took my wife out to dinner for her birthday last night, a magnificent affair because we decided to throw a bone to the new restaurant in town, Spazzo’s Italian Grill and Wine Bar. It turned out to be a bone well-thrown because the service was royal and the food was excellent. How excellent? The dish I got was so good, I’m considering going back and ordering the dish that sounds least appealing to me; so confident I am in their cooking. We attempted to take a picture of our left-overs once we got home, but all that showed up on the film was a bright prism flare indicating the food’s super-dimensional presence. Spazzo’s is good. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

New Coming Distractions, as you can see, and I’ll try to get back on the voting incentive wagon soon.